Search a chauffeur or taxi service in Farnborough online using your mobile phone
Searching online is the easiest way to find any informations these days, it's not different when you are looking for a taxi provider. Search engines like Google, Bing or Ask Jeeves are just some search engines that will help you.
What is the result of searching a chauffeur or taxi service in Farnborough?
Google is the biggest and most usable search engine with great results. Look for local taxi company. However, draw your attention to the ACTUAL location of the taxi company as they could be in Farnham and advertising as 'local taxi in Farnborough', you will end up waiting for the driver from Farnham to travel all the way in the other end of Farnborough. Ask how many minutes before the driver comes or if they are really local in Farnborough.
Check for taxi reviews as it will give you better ideas of how the taxi firm perform. Ask your friends and colleagues for recommendations.
Look for charges for meeting and greeting you inside the arrival area as taxi company's fare rate varies. Look for fixed parking fees as other taxi companies charges premium parking fees. Ask for waiting charges as well.
Please note that there are recent scams about hiring taxi companies to deliver a parcel and duped pensioners.